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Article: Hebbian Plasticity Realigns Grid Cell Activity with External Sensory Cues in Continuous Attractor Models.

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Mulas M; Waniek N; Conradt J
Front Comput Neurosci, 2016

List of model parameters tuned with a brute-force search approach.

Parameter name Value Description
Recurrent connectivity radius 8 Radius of the inhibitory recurrent connectivity for each grid cell in the CAN
Recurrent connectivity shift 2 Shift in each of the four spatial directions of the recurrent connectivity of the CAN
Recurrent synaptic weight -0.2 Synaptic weight of all recurrent connections between grid cells
Grid network baseline current (Ib) 2.0 mA Excitatory current injected at every iteration in each grid cell
Velocity-dependent current gain (γ) 0.02 Gain that controls the amount of velocity-dependent currents injected in each grid cell
Plasticity time constant (τ) 10000 s Time constant that controls the weight change rate of a sensory synapse
Coactivation threshold (αth) 0.05 Minimum level of coactivation necessary to induce a plastic change in a sensory synapse
Sensory current gain (k) 0.05 Gain that controls the amount of sensory currents injected in each grid cell
Maximum sensory synaptic weight 0.5 Maximum allowable weight for a sensory synapse

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